Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Marriage Reception Desk Arrangement With The Dominant Impression Of The Color Purple

Circular reception desk that can be filled by 10 people. With decorative plants that are placed in a vase of fresh water added effects. Chairs are wrapped in white and purple ties using. Transparent roof which was given the impression mmenambah soft blue lighting.

Flower Garden

Thick greenery adorned the altar.Ornate chandelier adds beauty combined with a series of interest. Decorations can be applied in confined spaces such as buildings and inside the house, or can also be applied outdoors.

Decorations Beach Party Sensation

With the palm trees and swimming pool, these decorations can we apply. We could rent a hotel for the party this time. A row of candles will add value to the romance in this decoration. Not too much pecahayaan required during this feast lasts. Enough with some dim lighting we will be getting a theme in it.

Effects Of Winter Wedding Decorations

The roof is clad in silver cloth with white lighting effects snowy white sky. The trunk is decorated with white lanterns with dim yellow light emphasize that theme. White colors dominate decor space.

Decorating A Wedding Reception With a Star-Studded Sky

Circular reception desk at the contents of 10 persons per table. Roof decorations are made with fabric receipts combined with small lights give the impression of a charming. As if the weather outside the room with a very bright night and the star-studded. Yellow lighting on the table invitation adds a bright natural charm.

Altar Decorations Wedding Garden Sensation

Title: Altar Decorations Wedding Garden Sensation
Decoration is usually applied in confined spaces such as inside buildings. By placing grass and small plants in the bottom floor. And some tall trees behind the stage. Impression of a fresh green color theme parks this altar. The addition of the pool will enhance the decor is cool.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Promosi Diri Melalui Youtube

YouTube, sebelumnya mungkin kita lebih mengenal youTube adalah situs di media internet yang biasa kita gunakan untuk melihat video trailer film, video musik atau mengenai education. Namun sekarang ini Youtube merupakan media gratis dalam mencari popularitas seseorang dengan caranya sendiri seperti video lipsing. Hanya dengan sign up di YouTube dan kita sudah dapat memiliki akun YouTube dan kita dapat dengan mudah meng-upload video yang dimlikinya. Contohnya seperti Justin Bieber, pemuda sensasional yang sekarang menjadi penyanyi muda tersukses hingga saat ini, kemudian dari Indonesia sendiri ada video lipsing dari Sinta dan Jojo. Muncul lagi lagu-lagu yang mengecam Nurdin Halid untuk turun dari ketua PSSI, Lagu gayus tambunan yang dinyanyikan, kemudian ada Udin, Dan seorang polisi bernama briptu Norman dari Gorontalo. Dan sebenarnya mamasih banyak lagi video di YouTube, mungkin mereka belum waktunya untuk mendapatkan ketenaran.
